Full Moon Ritual: Try This Out!

Full Moon Ritual: Try This Out!

Full Moon Ritual: Try This Out!

The full moon is a time of heightened emotions, where energy intensifies and can leave you feeling disrupted, anxious, fatigued, or simply out of sorts. This powerful lunar phase has a profound effect on our emotions, making it an ideal time to release, renew, and reflect. Embrace this period as an opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves you, welcome closure, and avoid rushing into decisions that might feel overwhelming.

The Power of the Full Moon

The full moon is a potent time to release emotions, especially those tied to past experiences, unresolved anger, or lingering resentment toward a situation or person. The energy of the full moon helps to cleanse and renew, offering you the chance to create space for new beginnings.

Preparing for Your Full Moon Ritual

As the full moon approaches, it’s essential to ground yourself and connect with nature. Spend time outdoors, meditate, and nourish your body with grounding foods that come from the earth, like root vegetables. Knowing the exact time of the full moon’s peak can help you plan your ritual for maximum effect. This is your time to release, renew, and rejuvenate.

Step 1: Light a Candle

Lighting a candle serves as a focal point for your intentions during your full moon ritual. As the flame flickers, it represents clarity and focus. While journaling or stating your intentions, say a full moon prayer for the month ahead. Once you’ve finished, blow out the candle to symbolize the completion of this step.

Step 2: Ground Yourself

Grounding is crucial during the full moon, as it helps you stay centered amidst the intense energy. Straighten your back to activate all your chakras, which act as channels to the universe. Place your feet firmly on the floor, with your head held high, connecting you to both the earth and the sky. Visualize strong roots growing from your feet, anchoring you deeply into the ground. This grounding exercise can be done standing or sitting, with your palms facing up to receive the energy of the universe.
Find a quiet place, take deep breaths, and close your eyes if it helps you focus. Grounding allows you to release unnecessary pressure, let go of the past, and make healthy choices moving forward.

Step 3: Write a List in Your Journal

Take a moment to reflect on what you want to release from your life. Whether you’re alone, with a partner, or in a group, find a comfortable space where you can focus. Writing down your thoughts after the full moon has peaked is crucial for this step.

Set clear intentions for what you wish to let go of. Use essential oils like Frankincense, Bergamot, and Clary Sage to enhance your experience. Surround yourself with crystals such as Moonstone, Clear Quartz, and Amethyst, which can amplify your energy during the ritual.

Here’s how to frame your release statements:

  1. Start with “I am releasing…” or “I am letting go of…”
    • For example, “I am letting go of my past and opening my heart to new love.”
    • “I am releasing all the anger I have toward my family.”
    • “I am letting go of any fear I have in achieving my financial goals.”

Remember, this is your moment to release anything that’s been weighing you down.

Feel free to write as many points as you like. If you only have three things to release, that’s perfectly fine. I typically aim for 10, but the list can be as short or long as you need it to be. For added power, read your list daily for seven days. This ritual will help you manifest your true desires and create the happy life you deserve. #ManifestThatShit

Step 4: Cleanse and Clear Your Space

The full moon is a perfect time to declutter and cleanse your space. Go through your home and workspace, and get rid of anything that’s holding you back—whether it’s clothes that no longer fit, broken items, or unnecessary papers. Cleaning during this phase can help clear stagnated energy and invite fresh, positive vibes into your environment.

Start by smudging your space from the back of the house to the front, including doorways and the backyard. While smudging, connect with the universe and speak your wishes for the month ahead. Remember to vacuum, dust, and clean mirrors to remove any lingering negative energy.
Open your windows to let in fresh air and new energy.
If journaling feels overwhelming, you can verbally express what you’re letting go of while smudging or cleaning. Once your space is clear, you’ll notice a lighter feeling, as if a weight has been lifted. Now, sit back and watch the magic unfold over the next few days.

Final Thoughts

During the full moon, it’s wise to avoid starting new projects or making big decisions until the moon’s energy has settled. After your ritual, you may find new opportunities presenting themselves, along with an improved mood and mental clarity.

Happy Full Moon!

Embrace this powerful time to release what no longer serves you, set your intentions, and open yourself up to the abundant possibilities that lie ahead.


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