Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Balanced and Unbalanced 7 Chakras and Empowering Activities for Healing and Alignment

Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Balanced and Unbalanced 7 Chakras and Empowering Activities for Healing and Alignment

Finding Harmony Within: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Balanced and Unbalanced
7 Chakras and Empowering Activities for Healing and Alignment

Crown Chakra – Sahasara

Location: Sahasrara is located at the crown/top of the head

Colour: Violet or white

Petals of the lotus: One thousand petals

Stones: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Spirit Quartz, Purple Fluorite, Charoite, Selenite, Clear Topaz

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Frankincense, Sandalwood

Organs: Head, brain, ears, eyes, pineal gland, muscular system as well as the skin

Element: Light Sence: None

The Crown Chakra is the center of our spiritual connection to the world and all beings around us. This chakra links us to The Devine also guides you spiritually and opens up to your purpose in life. It is related to your intuition and letting go of things that are not in your control so it is very important for this chakra to be balanced.

When your Crown Chakra is balanced as you feel good grateful as well as connected and supported by the universe.

rown Chakra Function is balanced & activated you feel:

You have a purpose, Connected with the universe | Connected and one with the divine

Feel immense gratitude for the universe. | Spiritual/Trust your intuition, Spiritual connection, Spirituality

Have a great sense of connection with all beings | Connected to others | Connected and supported by the universe.

Feel Inspired | Connected to your spirit. | Empathy/Feel joy | Feel centered | Feel your purpose.

Grateful | Consciousness | Reach goals | Grateful | Wisdom | Joy | Self Worth | See beauty in the world | Motivated.

Crown Chakra is unbalanced & not active you feel or have:

Disconnected with self and body | Unmotivated | Closed-mindedness | Lack of compassion towards others | Do not see beauty in the world

Symptoms of depression | No excitement | Lack of purpose also direction in life | Bored/Restless | Mental Illness that is relation to been delusional

Mental Fog or confusion | Unmotivated | Insomnia | Chronic headaches | Sensitivity to light | Lack of inspiration

Exhaustion | Nightmares/Night Terrors | Oversleeping | Experience Isolation and disconnection | Constant fear of alienation

Migraines or tension headaches | Closed Minded | Depression/Spiritual depression | Disappointed/Blame others

Detached from reality or the world | Overwhelmed or detached from your body | Judgmental and critical/Narrow-minded | Ridged/Selfish

The Crown Chakra is the centre of our spiritual connection to the world and all beings around us.

The Crown Chakra links us to The Devine also guides you spiritually and opens up to your purpose in life. It is related to your intuition and letting go of things that are not in your control so it is very important for this chakra to be balanced. It is amazing when your Crown Chakra is balanced as you feel good to be you also live with gratitude as well as feel that you are connected and supported by the universe.

Here are some exercises you can undertake to nurture the Crown Chakra also balance as well as activate and increase your connection to the universe and find your purpose in life. A good way of opening your crown chakra is spending time in daylight as well as nature, taking deep breaths in and absorbing the sunlight through your nose and releasing through your mouth, drinking water. Meditation is an important key to strengthening and maintaining your crown chakra.

Crystals are also an important part of clearing blockages, strengthening or just maintaining your Crown Chakra a great crystal to use is clear quartz and use it to dissolve any blocks you may have in this chakra. If you would like to balance, strengthen or maintain Crown Chakra you can meditate with crystals or visualize a white or deep purple colour entering your Crown or a white lotus flower opening at the top of your crown.

Essential oils will also help you activate your Crown Chakra here are a few suggestions Bergamot, Frankincense, Sandalwood Essential oils to help activate or strengthen this chakra and

Water: Staying well-hydrated with pure, clean water is essential for overall chakra balance, including the Crown chakra. It helps in flushing out toxins and maintaining optimal energy flow.

Foods that are believed to support and nourish the Crown chakra (Sahasrara) include: Purple Foods: The Crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white. Therefore, incorporating purple fruits and vegetables like purple grapes, purple potatoes, eggplant, and purple cabbage can be beneficial.

Other treatments such as energy healing: reiki, yoga sound healing, massage, acupuncture or other energy healing modalities can help clear blockages and restore balance to the crown chakra. Decluttering can also be a great tool as it will cleanse you and bring new energy into your space and head.

 Meditate and ground yourself to Connect with the Crown Chakra

It is important for you to ground yourself and to practice positive affirmations it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off yourself, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky.

After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are inhaling visualize you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your crown on the top of your head then a white or deep purple colour entering your Crown.

Deep breaths in and out do this 10 times. This will help balance and activate your Crown chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily.

My Crown Chakra is balanced.

I am one with the divine.

I am at peace

I am divinely guided and inspired

I am Connected to everything

I am loved

I am one with the universe

I am connected to my higher self

I am grateful to my strong connection to the universe

I always trust and follow my intuition.

All is well

I am at peace.

There are so many other affirmations you can do but start off with these.


Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with  7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Crown Chakra card and Clear Quartz crystal. Place the Crown Chakra card or the Clear Quartz crystal on your Crown Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant white or purple energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing. This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

Energy flow into your body. Perfect for balancing and chakra healing, this set includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

If you would like to purchase or view the cards, Click here


Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

Location in the brain, at the top in between your brow,

at the base of your nose – Colour Indigo

Organs and Body Parts: pituitary gland, brain, eyes

Colour: Indigo

Petals of the lotus: Two

Location: Centre of forehead, between the eyebrow

Stones/Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Blue Kyanite, Sodalite, Labradorite, Iolite, Azurite,

Essential Oils: Rosemary, Clarity Sage, Sage, Lemongrass, Frankincense

Element: Thought

Sense: Mind, or the sixth sense, intuitive sense

This Chakra is a reminder to maintain your Third Eye Chakra and clear it of any blockages that may be effecting you and strengthen your pineal gland naturally.

Also to help you realize that you determine your own life path no one else can do this for you.

Use the energy in your Third eye to guide you to see things clearly and be your own person as well as trusting and strengthening your intuition by not second guessing your self and things you do. It is very important to embrace this time that you have on earth and live your true purpose and soul. When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced you will have a clear vision of who you are and where you’re going.


Third Eye Chakra is balanced & activated you feel or experience

Be able to tap into your psychic abilities |  Ability to visualise | Strong intuition and instincts | Know your purpose.

Motivated | Connection to wisdom and insight | Inspiration and creativity | Have clarity in your life | Awareness/consciousness.

Active Imagination | You will know your true calling and path | Great focus | Better relationships with people |More success in career and finances

Attention to detail | Can see everything clearly | Creativity flowing | Powerful dreams | Emotionally balanced | Self awareness | Wisdom

Easily meditates | Deep and meaningful conversations | Empathetic | Strong memory

Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced & not active you feel or experience:

Hard to focus/concentrate | Anxiety/Depression | Hard to sleep/Insomnia | Close Minded | Body Image Issues | Sinus nose issues

Vision problems | Blurred vision and eye strain | Lack of imagination | Moodiness and stubbornness | Feel Stuck | Psychic attack

Vertigo | Hormone Problems | Headaches | Paranoia | Out of touch with reality | Lack of Clarity | Allergies | Mental illness | Live in fantasy


Here are some exercises you can undertake to nurture the

Third Eye Chakra also balance and increase our ability for insight.

If  you would like to strengthen Third Eye Chakra you can meditate with crystals Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Blue Kyanite, Sodalite, Labradorite, Diamonds, Lolite, Azurite, place them in between your brow, at the base of your nose and visualize indigo colour spreading in all parts of your Third Eye Chakra.

This will also help make you chakra stronger. When your third eye is balanced you will be following your true path and have strong instincts.

A good way of opening your Third Eye Chakra is use Essential oils such as Lavender Rosemary, Clarity Sage, Sage, Lemongrass, Frankincense.

Visualizing and Grounding your self are very important for the Third eye Chakra.

Another great way of activating your Third Eye Chakra is sunlight, turn your face up to the sky with your third eye facing towards the light and visualize a white, Indigo light entering your third eye.

Practicing visualization and grounding yourself are 2 important factors of nurturing and the opening, balancing your

Third Eye Chakra also allow the powerful energies of the indigo light to fill your chakra and the gateway to your spirituality.

This will take only 15 minutes in your day and highly benefit you.

Purple foods such as berries, eggplant purple potato. Foods rich with Omega 3 rich foods such as salmon and nuts.

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are breathing visualise you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your Third Eye that is located in between your brow, then visualize an indigo light entering your Third Eye Chakra.

Deep breaths in and out do this 10 times. This will help balance and activate your Chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily.

My Third Eye Chakra is balanced.

I am grateful

My Mind is clear and focused

I am connected to my higher self

I am connected to the universe

I trust my intuition

I trust my inner guidance

I am insightful and intuitive

I know and trust my inner voice

I am aligned with my life’s purpose daily

I am aligned with my authentic self

I radiate indigo light from my third eye chakra


Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with 7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Third Eye Chakra card and Amethyst crystal. Place the Third Eye Chakra card or the Amethyst crystal on your Third Eye Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant purple or indigo energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing.

This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

Place the cards in front of you or around your body to unlock the potential of chakra healing.

If you would like to purchase or view the cards, Click here

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

Location in the throat region, near the spine/shoulders

point in the pit of the throat

Colour Blue

Petals of the lotus: 16 Petals

Function: To speak/ Communication

Stones: Blue Agate, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise, Larimar, Angelite, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Sapphire,

Organs and Body Parts: mouth, jaw, neck, and throat, thyroid gland.

Essential Oils: Frankincense, Sage, Lavender, Chamomile,

Sense: Hearing

Throat Chakra is balanced & activated you are:

Great with communication| Speak your truth and are authentic. | Express Gratitude Easily

Express Creativity, Art, Music | Respect others when they are expressing themselves | Strong and confident in expressing yourself

Happy to share ideas and thoughts with others | Great intuitive abilities/ Great listener | Peaceful/Speak with mindfulness

Talk openly | Spiritual | Great intuition | Have a Sense of humor | inspired/creativity

Say no if you need to | Good Listener | Stand up for your beliefs |Knowing your purpose | Practicing mindful speech


Throat Chakra is unbalanced & not active some traits are

Fear of ridicule or judgement| Hold back on expressing your needs or desires| Issues expressing yourself

Trouble been truthful/Over exaggerating| Struggle with your emotions/Suffering  in silence

Lack of creativity| No sense of humor |Not good at communicating verbal and non verbal

Not realizing your purpose in life| Find it hard to say no to people |Detached/ Can be shyness

Anxiety/Insecure/Fear of been out of control | Not great at listening | Not been able to keep secrets

Lack of connection with your purpose | Blockages/when Imbalanced | Self Doubt

Negative thinking | Unable to express yourself | Hold back in life

Dental Issues | Anxious | Thyroid problems | Signs of arrogance || Can be Domineering

Deceptive at times | Shyness in some social situations | You can be unnecessarily stubborn

Frequent neck pain | Indecisive | Can be manipulative | Frequent headaches | Can not express your thoughts | lack of creative expression


By using the Thoat Chakra card on your body or visually  this will help you  to maintain and balance  your Throat Chakra clear it of any blockages that may be effecting you and strengthen the energy in your throat. By picking this card you can strengthen or balance your Throat Chakra. At the moment are you holding back from expressing your needs, desires or do realise that you need to live with a strong and clear purpose in life. Its time you turn your creative ideas into reality and give yourself a voice by expressing your creativity and vision and you will find your purpose.

Your Throat Chakra is the centre of truth and expressing yourself through your voice an inability to say what you want to say or what’s on your mind can block your Throat Chakra.

If you would like to strengthen  Throat Chakra you can meditate with crystals or place this card in between your throat region, near the spine/shoulders point in the pit of the throat  and  visualize blue colour spreading in all parts of your Throat Chakra to activate it. This will also help make you chakra stronger.

Sing like no one is watching you this is a good way to release built up energy even humming or chanting can help.

If you are finding it hard to voice your opinion use a journal, write all your thoughts into it and release it or keep a gratitude diary this will help you release positive thoughts into the universe and cleanse your energy. Remember once you write your thoughts release them do not hold it in.

Sometimes a good cry can help you clear your throat chakra, been true to yourself.

Communicating what’s on your mind without holding back but been mindful of what you say can help clear your throat chakra.

Surrounding your space with the colour blue and avoiding dairy as much as you can it can build up mucus. Nourishing the throat chakra involves incorporating foods that promote clear communication, self-expression, and harmonious energy flow. One such group of foods includes vibrant blue-colored fruits like blueberries, blackberries, and grapes, which resonate with the throat chakra’s energy. Hydrating liquids, such as herbal teas, pure water, and coconut water, help to maintain the throat’s moisture and support vocal clarity. Cooling and soothing foods like cucumber, watermelon, and aloe vera can alleviate any inflammation or discomfort in the throat. Additionally, incorporating high-fiber foods like apples, pears, and leafy greens aids in promoting a healthy throat by supporting the digestive system, which is connected to the throat chakra. Lastly, incorporating aromatic herbs like mint, chamomile, and lavender can stimulate and purify the throat chakra, fostering authentic self-expression and empowering communication.

Been around water is very important as well as a blue sky  nothing will help you more than a trip to the beach or taking a walk by water this will act as medicine and help you balance yourself by surrounding yourself in nature.

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose.

Mediating and grounding yourself this will help you balance and open your chakra

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are breathing visualise you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your Throat Chakra which its  location is the throat region, near the spine/shoulders point in the pit of the throat , then visualise an Blue light entering your chakra.

Deep breaths in and out do this 10 times. This will help balance and activate your Throat Chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily.

My Throat Chakra is balanced

I am grateful

My thoughts are positive

I am always express myself truthfully and clearly

I stand up for what I believe in

I am spiritual

I am open to receiving messages from my angels

I am grounded

I am mindful with my words

Every time I speak, I am honest and do it with love

I am full of creative ideas

My thoughts and voice is clear and very powerful

I do not interrupt others when they speak

I am grateful for my life

I listen to people when they talk


Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with  7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Throat Chakra card and Blue Agate crystal. Place the Throat Chakra card or the Blue Agate crystal on your Throat Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant blue energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing. This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

Place the cards in front of you or around your body to unlock the potential of chakra healing.

If you would like to purchase or view the cards, Click here


Heart Chakra – Anahata

Location in Location in the centre of your chest slightly left  at heart level

Colour Green

Petals of the lotus: 12 Petals

Organs body parts: heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, and upper back

Element: Air

Stones: Aventurine, Green Jade, Green Tourmaline, Emerald, Pink Quartz, Clear quartz, Pink Topaz

Essential Oils: jasmine, bergamot, eucalyptus, peppermint, Elmi, rose. | Sense: Touch

This chakra is a reminder to maintain your Heart Chakra and clear it of any blockages that may be effecting you and strengthen your heart naturally. You may be feeling like there is something missing especially with relationships and love. Even if it is just loving your self you are struggling or feel very drained or resentment towards other with circumstances around you. If you balance and clear your heart chakra you will eliminate any self sabotaging habits that you may unconsciously have as that it is what you may be use to.

Heart Chakra is balanced & activated you are:

Open to love | Giving and receiving love | Loving & Forgiving |Compassionate/Understanding/Accepting

Give unconditional love | Appreciates beauty in all things | Experience deep & meaningful relationships

Empathy &Compassion | More sociable | Healthy boundaries | Function/when balanced

Feel Self Love | Unconditional love | Experience meaningful relationships |Warmth | Gratitude/Feeling grateful

Connection with other people | Forgiveness towards yourself and others

Feel Compassion and empathy | Feel Joy | Show Respect


Heart Chakra is unbalanced & not active some traits are

Find it hard to have a relationship or find one| Not been able to give and accept love

Clingy and overbearing behavior | Ruled by emotions/Feeling closed down | Judgmental/Jealous/Overly defensive/Closed down.

Fear of intimacy | Co dependent/Fear of being alone | Rely on other peoples attention & approval

Excessive Isolation/Let go of the past | Detached from emotions/Lonely and isolated

Holding grudges/Unforgiving | Weak Heart | Blockages/when Imbalanced: | Jealousy

Fear of Intimacy | Becoming a victim/victimization | Feel unworthy

Antisocial | Ungrateful| Overly defensive | Do not trust others | Feel unloved

Feeling Isolated or wanting to be isolated | co-dependency | Feel withdrawn | Hold grudges | Not forgiving others

If you would like to strengthen Heart Chakra you can

Meditate with crystals or place this card in between chest slightly left and at heart level and visualize green colour spreading in all parts of your Heart Chakra to activate it.

This will also help make you chakra stronger.

Sometime we guard ourselves from love in the fear of getting hurt. Its time not feel guarded and to let love into your life by balancing your Heart Chakra and live the life of happiness and love that you deserve.

Wearing green may help open your heart chakra. Surrounding your area with green plants can also help activate your heart chakra. I find devils Ivy or green succulents are great and it is easy to maintain as a plant and grows beautifully.  Getting out into nature will automatically strengthen your hart chakra it is a great way to breath green into your life.

Trying to find balance in your life can also help and practicing gratitude can make a world of difference.

Come to terms with your past and learn to forgive as this may play a role in your chakra been blocked. Practice self care and take care of your body by honouring it with nutritious foods

Foods that are believed to support and nourish the Heart chakra (Anahata) include:

Green Leafy Vegetables: Broccoli, Spinach, kale, avocado, Swiss chard, green apples and other green leafy vegetables are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. They promote heart health, emotional well-being, and energetic balance.

Green Fruits: Green apples, kiwis, and limes are not only delicious but also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

They support heart health and the nurturing qualities of the Heart chakra.

Exercise when you get the chance also practice giving by helping others and donating your time to a charity or a good cause.


It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations

it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are breath visualise you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your Heart Chakra in Location in the center of your chest slightly left  at heart level, then visualise an Green light entering your chakra.

Deep breaths in and out do this 10 times. This will help balance and activate your Heart Chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily

My Heart Chakra is balanced

I am grateful

I am loved

I am open to love

I am a love magnet

I open myself to loving and caring relationships

I am grateful for my life

I am positive

I let go of anything that is not in my control

I am open to giving and receiving love

I let love and happiness in my life

I am loved by the universe

I am loved by my angles

I am protected

I deserve love and happiness in my life

I am my own person and create my own life

I am loving and compassionate with myself and others

I forgive myself and others.

Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with  7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Heart Chakra card and Green Aventurine crystal. Place the Heart Chakra card or the Green Aventurine crystal on your Third Eye Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant green energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing. This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

Place the cards in front of you or around your body to unlock the potential of chakra healing.

If you would like to purchase or view the cards, Click here

Solar Plex – Manipura

Location of Solar Plex Chakra is between the navel

and the lower part of the chest

Colour Yellow

Petals of the lotus: 10 Petals

Element: Fire

Organs and Body Parts: stomach, gall bladder, spleen, liver

Stones: Tiger Eye, Amber, Yellow Jasper, Golden Topaz, Sunstone, Citrine, Heliodor, Iron Pyrite, Yellow Tourmaline,

Essential Oils: Lemon, Elmi, Clary Sage, Juniper, Geranium

Sense: Vision


This card is a reminder to maintain your Solar Plexus and clear it of any blockages that may be effecting you and strengthen your navel and the lower part of the chest naturally. Are you setting standards or unreasonable expectations the are not been met. The Solar Plexus Chakra is all about accepting and loving ourselves and not putting unnecessary pressure on you. The more you accept yourself the happier you will be and feel worthy. Its not worth been obsessed over minor details it does not serve you any purpose and you will lose sight of the whole picture. Life is to short!

You may be detached from the perception of who you are and not feel joy like you would love to. You might not be where you want to be at the moment or life is passing you by and you feel you do not have control over what is happening to you. You may feel like you do not have the confidence to make choices and may be stuck or  living in the past. This will hold you back from living your true purpose and moving forward in life. It is time to chose your own path, make your own choices and move forward  into the future with confidence and leave the past where it belongs.

Solar Plex is balanced & activated you are:

Know your life purpose| In control of your personal power/ Great Wisdom | Perception of who you are

Turn your ideas into reality | Great direction in life | Strong boundaries | Can Manifest Easily

Harmonious relationships with your surrounding | Stand up for yourself

Have great will power and self control | Follow your true path in life | Great self-discipline & self-esteem

Great at transforming your thoughts into action | In control of your personal power/ Great Wisdom


Solar Plex is unbalanced & not active some traits are

Lack of direction & Purpose or Ambition | Emotion/Mental/Physical problems |Emotional Outbursts/Stressed Out

Anxiety/Depression | Eating disorders | See yourself as a victim | Blurred Vision

Emotional Insecurities/Can be angry and aggressive | Addiction Issues

Don’t feel joy/Low self esteem | Lack of confidence/Shame | Very controlling/Judgmental

Can be manipulative/Misusing your power | Obsessive over minor details

Very indecisive/Overly Critical/Stubborn | Anemia/Diabetes | Do not follow through with your goals.


If you would like to strengthen Solar Plexus Chakra you can

Meditate with crystals place them between the navel

and the lower part of the chest and visualize the yellow colour

spreading in all parts of you’re your Solar Plexus Chakra to activate it and strengthen your instincts.

This will also help make you chakra stronger. Its great to get out for a walk in the sun take a friend with you its better to walk than run to strengthen your Solar Plexus.

It is important to spend time outdoors as this will strengthen your Solar Plexus and clear your head at the same time.

Practicing gratitude and visualisation is very important, taking some time out each day to list what you are grateful for will really benefit you. Practicing this first thing in the morning or the last thing you do at night. Even take photos of what you are grateful for or would like to visualize in your life can really benefit you.. Either put them in a book or just have them on your phone.

Some foods that will nourish your Solar Plexus Chakra are bananas, Pineapples, curries, soups, rice, spelt, chamomile, capsicum yellow, cumin or any anti inflammatory foods will help you. This chakra is about your metabolic system and digestion so eating healthy and the right foods are very important.

Light a candle around you the Solar Plexus is fire and the light of the candle will send great energy radiating to the universe. You can also meditate to the candle and use some deep breathing exercises to help you while you are doing this.

Meditation  is very important to help with opening your Solar Plexus and a simple exercise visualise a bright yellow light over your solar plexus chakra. Imagine this gorgeous yellow sunlight entering your navel and the lower part of the chest and filled up this area with healing and activating this area.

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations

it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are breath visualise you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your Solar Plexus Chakra is between the navel and the lower part of the chest, then visualize a yellow light entering your chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily

My Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced.

I am grateful

I am confident in all that I do

I am grateful for my life

I am enough

I trust an love my life

I attract abundance

I respect myself and others

I never give up

I am successful

I am positive

I am the energy I want to attract

I have strong will power


Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with  7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Solar Plexus Chakra card and Yellow Aventurine crystal. Place the Solar Plexus Chakra card or the Yellow Aventurine crystal on your Solar Plexus Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant yellow energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing. This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

If you would like to purchase or view the cards, Click here


Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana

Location of Sacral Chakra is about three inches below the

navel around the centre of your lower belly

Colour: Orange

Petals of the lotus: 6 Petals

Element: Water

Organ and Body Parts:

Stones: Orange Calcite, Citrine, Carnelian, Fire Agate,  Zircon, Fire Opal, Vanadinite,

Essential Oils: Orange, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Rose Oil, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot,

Sense: Taste




This card is a reminder to maintain your Sacral Chakra and clear it of any blockages that may be effecting you and strengthen your navel around the centre of your lower belly naturally.

The key issues with the Sacral Chakra are relationship, addiction issues and also violence.

You may find you picked this card as you may have trouble making decisions. Have you had lack of fulfilment or desire to do anything and not had appreciation or motivation for what is around you.

You may not be feeling as much love as should or not accepted by those around you wether it may be socially, emotionally or people you work with.

There could also be feeling that you are lacking pleasure or sexual pleasure in your relationship or with your self.

Just remember you are important and if you are feeling any off these emotions you will need to work on your Sacral Chakra and strengthen it.

Sacral Chakra is balanced & activated you are:

Feel Creative/Passionate/Take creative risks| Have a great feeling of wellness, abundance,

Feeling of pleasure, desire and joy |Love and enjoy your body/Good with intimacy

Embrace your sexuality/Feel very sensual | Comfortable with your sexuality

Balanced emotions | Lots of Abundance in your life | Not been afraid of failure

Strong intuition | Happiness in your relationship/Good Relationships

Healthy reproductive function | Enjoy emotional & physical connections

Great at visualizing using your energy and emotions

Sacral Chakra is unbalanced & not active some traits are

Lack of creativity| Depressed/Self Sabotage |Feel out of touch with yourself

Feel unimportant/ Feel like nobody loves you | Dominant in relationship

Sexually dysfunctional or obsessed with sex

Difficulties with sex/Inability to conceive/Hormone imbalance

Lack of Sexual Desire or sexual satisfaction | Uncomfortable with intimacy

Expressing your emotions or feelings | Substance abuse/Addiction

Reproductive health issues | Menstrual problems | Irritable bowel syndrome

Emotional instability/Fear of change | Constant fear of betrayal | Workaholic


If you would like to strengthen Sacral Chakra you can

meditate with crystals or place this card about three inches below the

navel around the centre of your lower belly and visualize the orange colour

spreading in all parts of you’re your Sacral Chakra to activate it.

This will also help make you chakra stronger as well as essential oils.

Walking barefoot on the grass and grounding yourself getting back to nature and letting go of any thoughts that do not serve you any purpose.

Get back to basics, it is important to sleep longer, eat health foods, drink plenty of water, take longer showers and cleanse yourself while you are doing this.

It is important for you to be near water, even spend your day off by a lake or the beach and if you can not do this take a bath or go to a spa and relax. This will energise you and clear and activate your Sacral Chakra.

Take some time out for your self, get pampered and most importantly do not be hard on yourself.

Look at your circle of people around you. If you have people that do not support you and what you do all the do is complain and take your energy review how they fit into your life an do not give them your energy. It is time to review your inner and outer circle. Be the energy you want to attract.

Because of the Sacral Chakra’s is the connection your pelvis and the reproductive organs, this chakra is also the centre for pleasure, sensual pleasure or your daily life experiences. Exercise is very important especially yoga as it connects your mind to your body and help you unblock any negative energies that my not be flowing properly.

Food can play an important part in balancing your Sacral Chakra as well. Some foods that will nourish this chakra are, carrots, pumpkin, turmeric, oranges, sweet potato, mandarins, apricots, mangoes, peaches and foods that have that gorgeous orange colour. Proteins such as fish that is high in rich omega fats such as salmon are very nutritious as well as nuts.

Dancing really helps to unblock and balance your Sacral Chakra. So dance like no one is watching move your body to the rhythm of the music, close your eyes and feel the music going through your body. Just put on your favorite song and dance.

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations

it is a very powerful activity to practice daily can help you improve your creativity, accepted, playful and build a healthier attitude towards your sexuality.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are breath visualise you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your Sacral Chakra is about three inches below the navel around the centre of your lower belly then visualise an orange light entering your chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily

My Sacral Chakra is balanced

I am grateful

I am loved

I love myself

I enjoy feeling pleasure

I am comfortable in my own body

I am grateful for my life

I have health and strong boundaries

I am creative and passionate

I let go of the past and look forward into my future

I am in touch with my feelings

I am positive

Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with  7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Sacral Chakra card and Tiger Eye crystal. Place the Sacral Chakra card or the Tiger Eye crystal on your Sacral Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant Orange energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing. This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration.

If you would like to purchase the cards, Click here


Root Chakra – Muladhara

Location of Root Chakra is the base of your spine

Colour: Red

Petals of the lotus: 4 Petals

Element: Earth

Organ and Body Parts: adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, skeleton/bones, muscles

Stones: Carnelian, Ruby, Red Agate, Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite,

Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Myrrh, Frankincense,

Sense: Taste

Root Chakra is balanced & activated you are:

Feel Grounded/Stable| Grateful | Connected to your body/ Environment/Earth

Love your self |Great survival instincts | Feel like you belong in the world

Feel Safe in your home and the world | Self reliant/Self worth | Base your decisions on trust instead of fear

Feel stable, secure and safe | Great concentration/Clear thinker | Be able to achieve goals/Passionate

Great at prioritizing | Trust people in our lives

Root Chakra is unbalanced & not active some traits are

Feeling insecure/Feel unstable | Living in survival mode | Feel like you don’t belong

Trouble making decisions | Rely too much on feedback from others | Sexual dysfunction

Eating Disorders/Overspending | Addiction issues | Anxiety/Threatened/Anxious

Depression/Worry/Panic attacks | Hard to concentrate | Constantly Tired/Drained


This card is a reminder to maintain your Root Chakra and clear it of any blockages that may be effecting you and strengthen the energy in the base of your spine.

It is very important for you to put yourself first, your needs and base all your decisions on trust instead of fear because fear will weaken your Root Chakra.

Are you relying on other people to get things done for you or clinging onto people just for a sense of security? Do you feel like you have trouble making decisions? Its time to take back your life and not live with anxiety or fear you came into this world perfect it is time to take back our life and be you.

If you would like to strengthen Root Chakra you can meditate with crystals place them between base of your spine and  visualize the red colour spreading in all parts of you’re your Root Chakra to activate it. This will also help make you chakra stronger.

Gratitude is very important and it will attract more things in your life that you will appreciate and be grateful for. Making this apart of your daily routine will help you so wither do it first thing in the morning or at night before you go to bed whatever suits you.

Exercise is very important to balance and maintain this chakra especially because this is the centre of your physical health so some suggestions are: strengthening exercises, jogging, high impact and group sports are great.

Being mindful of your food portions is very important as well as chewing your food properly and eating health foods and lots of fluids.

Foods play an important part with the Root Chakra any foods that grow deep in the in the ground are essential for this chakra such as Root Vegetables: help to keep us grounded. Try potato, sweet potato, carrot, beetroot, onion, Garlic turmeric, ginger, red apples, cherries, berries tomatoes, strawberries, Other foods such as eggs, meats, beans and nuts are full or protein and and nourishing you as well.

Grounding yourself is one of the most important things with your Root Chakra

so getting back to nature will definitely help ground you, gardening even doing your gratitude or mediation in nature will be very beneficial. It is important to connect with the earth and one way of doing this is to take your shoes off and put your bare feet on the ground especially outside.

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations it is a very powerful activity to practise daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, release fear and make you confident with decision you make as well as making you feel grounded.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

As you are breath visualise you are surrounded by a white light that is swirling around your body starting from your feet and twirling around your body till it reaches your Root Chakra is the base of your spine then visualise a red light entering your chakra.

Here are some great affirmations you can repeat daily.

I am grateful

My Root Chakra is balanced

I am grounded

I am confident with the decision I make

I am loved

I am taken care of.

I am financially secure.

I’m always provided for.

I am grateful for my life

I am supported by those around me

I am safe and protected

I am safe in my environment

I am supported by mother earth

I am supported by the universe

I am safe.

I am grounded.

I am financially secure.

I’m always provided for.

Discover the power of chakra healing with Chakra Cards + Crystal Set.

This unique set comes with  7 hand picked crystals and 8 corresponding

cards which can be a convenient way for you to visually and physically connect

with specific chakra during meditation, energy work or chakra balancing exercises.

How to use the Card or crystal

Transform your energy work with our Root Chakra card and Red Agate crystal. Place the Root Chakra card or the Red Agate crystal on your Root Chakra while you meditate, balance your energy, or during chakra healing. Allow the vibrant Red energy from the card or crystal to flow into your body, promoting balance and healing. This set is perfect for enhancing chakra healing practices and includes exercises to help you focus your intentions on healing and restoration

If you would like to purchase the cards, Click here


Hello my name is Ani Ipradjian I am a professional coffee cup reader and the creator of Future Life Love Anwer Cards.

You get a free chakra reading off me with every Coffee Cup Reading or Future Life Love Card Reading

If you have any questions, please email me on info@futurelifelove.com.au


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