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Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual Try this Out!

The full moon is a time of big emotions

You may feel disrupted, anxious, fatigued or just upset as this cheeky planet that is our neighbour has such a great effect on us all. It is a great time to release emotion, welcome closure and not rush into anything as this may lead you feeling overwhelmed.

The full moon is a great time to release emotions and let go of what of anything that does not serve a purpose in you life especially the past and anger you may have towards a situation or person.

Firstly leading up to full moon it is important to ground yourself, surround yourself and tune into nature, meditate, eat nourishing food that will ground you such as food that comes from the ground. I usually find out the time of the full moon and plan my ritual after that. If you look online it will give you an exact time of when the moon is at tits peak. This is a time of letting go and . It is also time to let go of things that do not serve any purpose in your life and you will see how great it will be.


Here are a few things you can do during the full moon to release and renew yourself. All these activities can be done during or up to 4 days after the full moon. Does not have to be done on the night of the full moon. You can chose a day that suits you.

However if you can do it on the full moon it will be more powerful. I sometimes wait till the following day.

Step 1 light a candle

Light a candle… This helps you focus…Lighting a candle while you do your journal and say a full prayer for the month ahead.                                  After you finish journaling or stating your intentions you can blow the candle out.

Step 2 Ground yourself

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose. 

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.                

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

Step 3 Write a list or in your journal

Take a paper and pen to write down things you would like to release from your life. Make sure you are in a comfortable space and by yourself unless you would like to do this with another person or in a group. This must be done after the full moon                                                                  The next step is important as you will be journaling and letting go and setting your intentions for the month ahead. Setting clear intentions are very important. Take some time to decide what it is that you want to achieve. 

Essential oils you can use during the full moon are Frankincense, bergamot and calry sage. Crystals such as moonstone, clear quartz and amethyst. You can have them around you while you journal or cleanse. 

1. Think about what you want to let go of Tell the universe what you are letting go of.. Say it out a loud so the universe knows you mean business. If you can look at the moon while you are releasing.                                                                                                                                                     2. Use the words I am releasing…” or “I am letting go of…”. EG: About Relationships I am letting go of my past and open my heart to new love Eg: I am releasing all the anger I have towards my family  Eg I am letting go of any fear I have in achieving my financial goals.              Anything that has been bothering and most importantly what you need to do to manifest a fresh start .. 

This is the time to do it. You can also manifest some points in-between this as you will be letting go of any built up energy this allows you to open yourself up to all possibilities. The most important thing is to get rid of al those negative and draining emotions like creating a clean slate for yourself. You want to life all those blockages that you are holding in your body.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  You can write as many points as you like… if there are only 3 things you want to let go of only write 3. I usually try to do 10. Your list can be as short or long as you need it to be. I find reading over this list for 7 days makes it more powerful The list you will write is about letting go. Doing this ritual will help you manifest your true desires and a happy life that you deserve!! #manifestthatshit.

Step 4 Cleans and clear your space

This is a good time to get rid of anything in your home of work space you do not need.

I go through my room and work space if there is anything that is holding me back I get rid of it EG: cloths that do not fit me. Broken things around the home. Paper that needs to be thrown out or stored. Clean my office.

Also I cleanse my home from the back to the front. Smudging is important…I smudge the back of each door

Starting from the back of the house to the front. Even smudge around the backyard

While your smudging you can connect with the universe say your wishes for the month ahead. Vacuuming and dusting are very important around the full moon. This gets rid of any stagnated energy.

Cleaning all the mirrors in the home helps too this invites new energy into your home. Make sure you open your windows while you re cleaning to let fresh air and new energy into your space. If you find it too hard journaling you can verbally say what you are letting go of. This can be done while you smudge or clean your space. Now after you do all this over the next few days you should feel lighter and sit back and watch the magic happen.

Remember so not start anything new or make big decisions till the full moon is here.

You will find new opportunities knocking on your door, improved mood and mental health.

Happy full moon.XX

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Future Life Love Answer Cards

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Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual

The full moon is a time of big emotions

You may feel disrupted, anxious, fatigued or just upset as this cheeky planet that is our neighbour has such a great effect on us all. It is a great time to release emotion, welcome closure and not rush into anything as this may lead you feeling overwhelmed.

The full moon is a great time to release emotions and let go of what of anything that does not serve a purpose in you life especially the past and anger you may have towards a situation or person.

Firstly leading up to full moon it is important to ground yourself, surround yourself and tune into nature, meditate, eat nourishing food that will ground you such as food that comes from the ground. I usually find out the time of the full moon and plan my ritual after that. If you look online it will give you an exact time of when the moon is at tits peak. This is a time of letting go and . It is also time to let go of things that do not serve any purpose in your life and you will see how great it will be.


Here are a few things you can do during the full moon to release and renew yourself. All these activities can be done during or up to 4 days after the full moon. Does not have to be done on the night of the full moon. You can chose a day that suits you.

However if you can do it on the full moon it will be more powerful. I sometimes wait till the following day.

Step 1 light a candle

 Light a candle… This helps you focus…Lighting a candle while you do your journal and say a full prayer for the month ahead.                                  After you finish journaling or stating your intentions you can blow the candle out.

Step 2 Ground yourself

It is important for you to ground your self and to practice positive affirmations it is a very powerful activity to practice daily this will help you to take unnecessary pressure off your self, let go of the past, make health choices, give you direction and purpose.

A great way to do this is Straighten/erect your back this will activate all your chakras which is a channel to the universe, then place your feet on the floor head to the sky. After you do this imagine the strong roots of a tree coming through your feet this will help ground you.  You can also place your palms facing up as well as your head, either while you are standing or sitting this is will put you in receiving mode.

Try to have a quiet place, It is important to take deep breaths, you can close your eyes while you are doing this, It is personal choice.

Step 3 Write a list or in your journal

Take a paper and pen to write down things you would like to release from your life. Make sure you are in a comfortable space and by yourself unless you would like to do this with another person or in a group. This must be done after the full moon

The next step is important as you will be journaling and letting go and setting your intentions for the month ahead. Setting clear intentions are very important. Take some time to decide what it is that you want to achieve. 

Essential oils you can use during the full moon are Frankincense, bergamot and calry sage. Crystals such as moonstone, clear quartz and amethyst. You can have them around you while you journal or cleanse. 

1. Think about what you want to let go of Tell the universe what you are letting go of.. Say it out a loud so the universe knows you mean business. If you can look at the moon while you are releasing. 

2. Use the words I am releasing…” or “I am letting go of…”. EG: About Relationships I am letting go of my past and open my heart to new love

Eg: I am releasing all the anger I have towards my family  Eg I am letting go of any fear I have in achieving my financial goals.

Anything that has been bothering and most importantly what you need to do to manifest a fresh start .. 

This is the time to do it. You can also manifest some points in-between this as you will be letting go of any built up energy this allows you to open yourself up to all possibilities.

The most important thing is to get rid of al those negative and draining emotions like creating a clean slate for yourself. You want to life all those blockages that you are holding in your body.

You can write as many points as you like… if there are only 3 things you want to let go of only write 3. I usually try to do 10. Your list can be as short or long as you need it to be. I find reading over this list for 7 days makes it more powerful The list you will write is about letting go. Doing this ritual will help you manifest your true desires and a happy life that you deserve!! #manifestthatshit.

Step 4 Cleans and clear your space

This is a good time to get rid of anything in your home of work space you do not need.

I go through my room and work space if there is anything that is holding me back I get rid of it EG: cloths that do not fit me. Broken things around the home. Paper that needs to be thrown out or stored. Clean my office.

Also I cleanse my home from the back to the front. Smudging is important…I smudge the back of each door

Starting from the back of the house to the front. Even smudge around the backyard

While your smudging you can connect with the universe say your wishes for the month ahead. Vacuuming and dusting are very important around the full moon. This gets rid of any stagnated energy.

Cleaning all the mirrors in the home helps too this invites new energy into your home. Make sure you open your windows while you re cleaning to let fresh air and new energy into your space. If you find it too hard journaling you can verbally say what you are letting go of. This can be done while you smudge or clean your space. Now after you do all this over the next few days you should feel lighter and sit back and watch the magic happen.

Remember so not start anything new or make big decisions till the full moon is here.

You will find new opportunities knocking on your door, improved mood and mental health.

Happy full moon.

If you need help with any guidance

Future Life Love Answer Cards

Sometime we need advice to guide us on the different paths also understand what obstacles may be in our way. Future Life Love Answer Cards will cover all or specific areas of your life including: Love | Relationships | Marriage | Health | Finances | Money | Job | Work | Career| Business | Goals in Life and General | New Beginnings | Family Life | Children | Pregnancy | Friends | Past | Future | Guidance | Decisions | Study | School | Addiction | Car | Pets | Holiday |Travel | House Hold | Residence| Building | Direction | Answers


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